Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Great Divorce

I had this thought today as I was doing my Bible study, to have the sum of God be greater than all of my parts. So basically, God overshadows the "me" part of me, and all you see is the God stuff. That then lead to further thought of all the "yuck" that I would have to divorce so speak, in order to make this happen. Obviously, this begins with the Father peeling back the blinders a little more each day to reveal the "next" thing that has to be extracted from my life in order to make me more like my Father. It's frustrating to me, as I feel like I am always on this quest to be more like Him, and that there is still so much of ME left in me. I know this as each of the yucky thoughts pass through my mind each day that I have still have much more to offer back to Him. God tells me in His word that, "He who conceals his hatred has lying lips and whoever spreads slander is a fool..and when words are many sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." - Proverbs 10: 18,19
So this is what I gleaned from this verse, If I have unspoken hatred, I'm a liar, but if I speak my hatred out in slander I'm a fool, and if I speak about these things alot, I'm a sinner, but if I hold my tongue in peace, I'm wise. Here is the catch, I think, "OK then, I'll be good, and just not say the evil that's on my mind, then I should be good right?" Wrong. This thinking is flawed my friends because I'm not only to not have the hatred come out of my mouth, I'm just simply to not have the hatred, period.
Tall order, but not impossible. What is impossible with man, is possible with God.
You see, we as believers know when hatred is born, it begins with a small twinge, barely recognizable, but obviously there. We look at a person who has something we want, and a seed, a very small seed is planted. And from there, it grows and takes form and spreads like cancer all over our hearts till pretty soon it's all we can think about, and eventually, all we can talk about. Of course it does not come out as, "I hate that person's stinking guts..." :) It usually comes out as, "Did you see what "so and so" was wearing, driving, eating, reading or living in?" Yes my friends, Jealousy is at the root of a whole lot of hatred. And these are things I'm seeking to greatly divorce.
So where do we go from here? By gaining a knowledge of Christ's truth and understanding His escape and rescue plan for our minds we then can not give over to the desires of our flesh. Our flesh is always wishing, wanting and hopeing for more, more than what we have, and wanting what other's have, it's our nature, and the enemy is right there, tending the seeds of hatred until we are ready to have them planted.
All the while remembering that " The Lord does not let the righteous go hungry.."
Prov 3:10a
And hungry can be translated a multitude of ways, "cold, weary, empty tired, lonely.."
Remember friends, this is our Maker, Provider, Creator, Father and Friend we are speaking of here, He desires us to live our lives with the most joy imaginable, and when hatred and jealousy are overtaking our hearts, there is room for very little joy.
So here is where I come my great divorce, I want to divorce ME. I want to be the lesser sum as Christ takes over all my parts. Word picture is this, consider ME as a small square, and that small square's shadow. Then consider Christ as a giant box. ( like the size of what your new kitchen might come in. :))
The shadow of this box eats up entirely the shadow of the small square, and so the small square's shadow is no more. So today, may this be the shadow you see, the one Christ has cast over me. You can still see my box, but what I project, is Christ and his giant box of a shadow.
I know my sinful nature will not be gone entirely until He ushers me into heaven, (and what a day that will my friends) but I do seek, I chase after the thought of the great divorce of self, selfish desires, motives, and all ugly human things I posses.) Prayerfully, I say "I trust you" when these things that I desire tend take a greater place of importance than what He desires to give me in His timing.
So, do you like my shadow? Is it big? Tell me if it's not, and I will seek to move back into the place I need to be, the Shadow of Christ.

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