Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Power of Belief

"Though you have not seen him you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy" (1 Peter 1:8).

You've heard someone say, "I believe you! I believe you!" And then, they walk away still somewhat doubting. I know I've done it...well, I do the same thing to God. I read His word, I tell Him I not only get it, understand, comprehend, but yes Lord, I believe..but upon walking away all my actions scream that although I desire to believe, I don't actually believe.

Believing that what He says is true and will happen for us is difficult, because we are in the hear and not seen generation, and unfortunately, we tend to need more and more proof.

I suppose we are not different than even those who walked beside Jesus because in John 13 it talks about that even after His triumphal entry and death on the cross there were those who still did not believe.

There where men who saw his miracles first hand, and still cried out, "Lord, help me overcome my unbelief!" Mark...

How is this possible friends? That we hear, feel, and sometimes see the works the of hands and the promises are that given to us and yet we still doubt.
I spent some time with the Lord today and He spoke to my quite frankly about my unbelief, and then as I opened my email and read my email devotional and it was all on unbelief, I really picked up and took notice. I told the Lord in that moment, "I believe that you are speaking to me, and believe what you are saying." Unfortunately it does seem to take signs on the wall for me to actually get the message. It's like I'm saying to the comedian, I hear the joke, and the punch line, but will you write it out and spell it out for me so that I can read it? Not only would the joke loose the humor, it would just be silly to ask for such a thing.

No, you read the word, hear is letters to your heart and then go on in belief knowing that what He said is true and will be.

It's not easy friends because when we are struggling with doubt and possible unbelief it is a constant battle of human will, human thoughts and desires against Godly plans. I say, Lord I believe that I am safe in my house and you will protect me against robbers breaking in, but just to be certain, in case God changes His mind, I got out and build a 2o ft wall around my entire home property. I know it sounds crazy friends but it's we do! We say, "God, do you need a little help making my dreams come true?" and if so, "here, I'll do this while I'm waiting for YOUR solution, I'll just try mine." Friends, (and I do speak to myself when I say this,) that that way of thinking is not only flawed, it shows our unbelief. To truly believe means to hand God our dreams, desires, and hopes and say, "help me overcome my unbelief..." Meanwhile, "taking captive every thought and making it obedient to Christ." Do you know what this means for me my friends? It means that every time one of those doubting thoughts enters my mind, I repeat that verse to myself and offer up my unbelief again, and again, and again. Eventually my prayer is that those times of having to repeat this verse becomes less and less because I just do it without even meaning to. Basically, second nature.

SO what is it today that God is asking you to take Him at His word on? Believe me friends, (and really believe me) when I say, your "stuff" is better off in His hands. It's safer, and more peaceful when you give it all to Him, because as long as we are partially holding onto our "stuff" He can't really work with it.

Will you join me today in this "taking captive every thought and making it obedient to Christ.." I know you'll be happy you did.

"Father! Help us overcome our unbelief!" Amen.

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