Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Kind of Sacrafice?

I read something on the story of Cain and Able today and it sparked a few thoughts for me, (like "it" meaning God, does for me each time I read something challenging)
I had read over some verses from Psalms "ironically" on sacrifice prior to reading the other passage on Cain and Able and I began to think of it in regards to my own life, and what does it really mean to offer up sacrifices to God? I actually would really like to know the answer to this question, but I'm going to process it as best as I can.
God desires a pure heart. We know that because He tells us that, "To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.." Prov. 21:3
The sacrifice of Cain and Able made a difference in the Lords eyes, but what was the difference of that situation than of what is stated in the above verse? Is it perhaps that at the root of Cain's sin was pride? Pride that his gift was more aesthetically beautiful than his brothers? And when the Lord told Cain NO to his gift, it was more because of the fact that in Cains heart was pride over his gifts to the Lord? And of course, I made it personal, because this is what I do whenever I read something challenging in scripture, and I thought to myself..."When I offer the Lord something, whether it be my time, or a gift of praise and worship, and am I prideful that I am praising Him oh so well?"
Lately, I have been thanking the Lord for more and more and as I see His hand so prevalent in my life, it's difficult to get through a few hours without being most thankful to my Lord and Savior. That is not a brag, it's my acknowledging my utter weakness without my Father. So this is why I find myself thanking Him so often. But I want to have my thanks be pure of heart, in other words, I want to mean what I say. Granted, He knows my heart, (both frightening and comforting) but when I pray thanks, or offer Him emotion of thanks, am I coming to Him with a honest heart? Or one that is led by earthly pride? Pride in the fact that I'm so close to the Father...
I confess I've had moments of just such pride in the past, and what happened was this: I went to the Father thinking I was going to offer His name such beautiful praise at church, but instead I found myself unable to focus, and unable to praise because I had gotten caught up in the idea of being able to offer Him this sacrifice in my own abilities. Which is perhaps the same state of Cain's heart as He looked at all his beautiful vegetables and fruits, as he hand picked them and arranged them beautifully in his basket that he planned on bring to the alter. Oh his brother would be so jealous when he saw Cain's beautiful spread! That dirty little lamb couldn't stand a chance against his lovely gift. What a good thing he was doing for God he must of thought.
Has anyone here ever had those same thoughts. I have. And I hate that I have but it's obviously something that humans have struggled with since the beginning of time.
Our Father is so patient with us is he not? He was not mad at Cain with his gift, He just asked Cain this..."Why is your face downcast? Why are you angry..." (this question came on the wings of the Lord being pleased with Able's gift and not Cains...)
So much for aesthetically beautiful. Pride was overwhelming Cain and it turned into anger and the Lord saw right through Cain's fasaud of his beautiful was about giving the gift, it was about the pride behind the gift that was displeasing, that is what I think...
So with the understanding, it makes me rethink all I do. God is not fooled when we come to Him and say, "Look God! Look what I did for you!! Isn't it beautiful??? I made this meal for that family and it was such a pretty spread...and of course God, I did it all for you!!"
Do you think God is fooled? I didn't make that meal for Him, I made that meal because I had great confidence in my cooking abilities and thought, why not stamp God's name on this meal? Oh yuck. YUCK!!!
I bet that meal tasted like dirt to Him. And so I have bared my heart before the Lord, asking Him to make my gifts beautiful to Him, and only Him. To let my sacrifices be just that, sacrifices and not have it be something that comes so easy to me.
It's in honesty of heart that approach the throne with confidence, and it's with a pure heart that we say, "Lord, I offer you this gift, because you are God and I am thankful."
And I am, thankful...
"Father, may my gifts be so honoring to you, and will it never be from a selfish place that I bring you gifts...Forgive me for the times my gifts are more about me, than about you. I offer you up my heart, my attitudes and I tell you from a pure heart, I am so thankful for all you've done for me, and I desire to give you the most adoration possible. Thank you my Jesus, Thank you my Savior, my heart falls before your throne. Amen"

Any of you are welcome to join me in my prayers to the Father...He loves any child who comes honestly before his throne with adoration and praise, and a sacrifice that reflects the heart of God. Reflecting the heart of God? Is that even possible? It is when we chase after the Father and His desires with all our hearts, souls and minds...and that is the journey I desire to be on all of my life.
It's with a shaking of my head in amazement that that is even and option for me, it's with that mindset I recognize my humanness and my inability to bring His name praise all on my own. It's because of God, In God, and For God. Sacrifice is about praising Him, worshiping Him, laying down of self, and finally, to bring His name Glory. Because what can be said on sacrifice without first acknowledging the one who sacrificed it all for us? For that, we should give Him our very best.

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