Recognizing the times in life where God takes the "crazy," and turns it into "beautiful." KNOWING 'WHERE' YOU ARE GOING IS NOT ESSENTIAL WHEN GOD IS IN THE LEAD.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Meet My Perfect Children
HAHA. Life can be so funny sometimes. It seems as though everywhere you look you see everyone out with their well behaved, do as I say, never-mis-behave PERFECT children.
And then of course, their are your own children, screaming, fighting, wiping their boogers on the restaurant table, and saying "POOP" really loudly for all to hear.
YES my friends, children are not always perfect. And so then of course, as mom's we come to the conclusion that our children are the only children in the world who act like this. Ours are the only ones who EVER misbehave, and ours are the only ones who ever scream/kick/throw themselves on the floor in public.
So then, as mom's we hang our heads, walk around in shame because lets face it, "we have failed." STOP RIGHT THERE.
That is what the enemy, the prince of DARKNESS wants you to believe.
Your child is human. So are you. Your child makes selfish choices, we all do. Your child ACTS on their frustrations. (so do Mommies) and Your child is created in God's image. And so are you Mommy friend. (and Daddy's)
Listen here... we are to train a child up in the way they should go, (says Proverbs) but also, children still choose to go their own way, even when they know the "way they SHOULD G0". Grown ups do that too...
What I mean to say is this: We all have in mind the way we WANT to go, act and be. And at times, it's different than the way she SHOULD go, act or be. YOU adult, are HIS child. Do you think that for even one second, the God and Father of YOU says about Himself, "I failed. I made bad work. I screwed up with that child" when YOU do something disruptive or disobedient to the Maker? NO. He does not. He looks at you with LOVE in His eyes, and says, "I forgive you. I love you. Seek me. Walk in my ways, pursue holiness. And of course, next time, ask me for help and it won't be so difficult." Yes. This is the Father we have. If we are to learn from Him, be like Him and parent like HE does, than this is what we ought to do also for our unruly children. Sometimes however, unruly children need a bit of discipline. And then we do as we must, just as HE does as He must in order to perfect us. We must be consistent as HE is consistent. We must turn to one who is higher than us to help us in this...but we also know that His plans for us are not to harm us but to give us a hope and future. So we are with our children. So the next time you find yourself in the grocery store with a child, kicking and screaming, and the "perfect" family of children walk by, know this: no-one is perfect, not even one. We set our rules in place, we stick to them, and we deal with new situations as they arise. Just as HE does. We have His laws. We write them on our hearts. We follow this with His direction. We are respectful to His decrees, and we succeed in life. ( In the Kingdom sense) Right? Don't we want little children of the kingdom? But we must not equate that therefore we have failed, if in fact our children act in their own selfish will from time to time. After all, they are sons of Adam. And daughters of Eve. It all goes back to the garden of Eden. We are not ever going to be perfect until we attain our heavenly bodies upon the second coming, the arrival of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, and on that day, you can look at your child, and say, "Your perfect." But until that day, you can look at your booger wiping, poop talking, floor kicking, show-stopping child and say, "Someday you'll be perfect,(and so will Mommy) and I love you now in your imperfections," (Just as He loves us in our imperfections) (and then ask the Lord for strengthen so you don't have a tantrum too) deal with the imperfections with the wisdom HE supplies, and move on...knowing that tomorrow, is a new day, and HIS mercies are new EVERY MORNING. THANK YOU LORD. :)
"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
Yes, thank God for a new day. *sigh*