Friday, February 24, 2012


So yesterday, I went to the dentist. Obviously, judging by my blog title...I need some work done. But interestingly enough, this has hit home for me on a spiritual sense too.
I have been having a little faze in my life where I keep saying, "God, I know your teaching me something right now, but I feel like I just keep missing it, because life seems so hard right now!" Like running through pea soup, or climbing up a snowy mountain without socks and shoes. Just not real easy..
However, today as I sought the Lord in His infinite wisdom and beautiful understanding, He first of all reminded me that we are all subject to decay. By nature, (it all goes back to the garden of Eden!) and from that point on, in our flesh, we decay, day by day a little bit more. As I give in to the flesh, to respond, to act, and speak what comes "naturally" to me, I decay. It's like pouring Pepsi on a cavity. Just not a good idea! And yet, I do it.
I am not forced to act in the flesh, I do have a choice, but beyond the choice, I have a real, solid way out. I can be sealed in Christ, and my decay can be capped off for good. Of course, all decay needs maintenance, and the Holy Spirit is given to me as a deposit for that, and any time I need to have some maintenance work done, I call in, call on, and receive, the instruction on what to do next in order to keep my soul in ship-shape.
Amazing isn't it? You see in Romans chapter 8 it tells me this:
"That creation itself was subjected to frustration, not by it's own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from it's bondage to decay and brought into the GLORIOUS FREEDOM of the children of God." vs 20
Interesting truths are they not? The frustrations of today, that we are allowed to be exposed to, make us wrestle with God a bit as Jacob did in Genesis 32:22-32. To get to a place we are really truly seeking His blessings...because, we have come to place where we know we need them, and as the frustration we have been exposed to either takes us to a place of understanding of our need for Him, or it produces in us a desire to reject Him. But to reject Him, and His PERFECT plans, ways, and desires to perfect us, and make us into the best versions of ourselves, is to reject His ultimate gift of life, (that He gave to us through death on the cross). To reject the frustration we are allowed to experience, is to reject the potter's hands, fixing the broken pot. It is to, say to the potter that I, the "clay" know more. Can what it is formed say the to the one who forms, "I know more!?" Can the child say to the Father, "I know best?!" Can the blind, teach the one who can see to read? No friends, I am only a conqueror in Jesus. I am going to be my best version of me, by following HIS sanctification plan. I, the cracked pot say this, " let the light shine from my cracks, and encourage others, and in the process, He the Potter, can fix, or allow the blemishes to be used, or not to be used. FOR HE IS the Potter, and I am the clay.
He has freed me from my bondage to decay, because I recognize the frustration I was subjected to was necessary to reveal to me the absolute desolation of my soul. I am in and of myself a wretched, lost and hurting unit. With Him however, there is promise of more, promise of the best, promise of a end that ends is more tears. But right now, as He is perfecting me, I will not waste my suffering. If I suffer, it is for Him. And for you friends, so that you may see that in your earthly trials, frustrations, temptations and sorrows, you are not alone. You are not alone #1 because of your heavenly Father who gave up His very life for you, and you are not alone because you have a sister in Christ who feels pain, and talks about it. Who has such an imperfect life, and shares it. Who has trials, tribulations, and sins, and exposes them so that you can be encouraged that we are all subjects of frustration from time to time, so that He can make us into the very best image of ourselves...the image of Christ. He suffered. He suffered more than I ever will. Thank you Jesus for your death on the cross. For your death, liberated me. And now, I can walk in your truth, your Spirit, your hope, even when life is frustrating. I in the end, am LIBERATED from death, sin, and fear of death. Thank you for the cross. Thank you for the cross.

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