Friday, February 15, 2013

I told a lie.

Have you ever told a lie, and the second it was out of your lips your realized, "oh no, I just did that. WHY?!" There are usually a few reasons we tell lies. One of them is that were usually afraid of either the person or the outcome to which the lie will affect, or we are prideful because "people like me don't tell a lie?!"  But regardless, the lie is out and we are stuck. We are stuck now deeper than if we hadn't lied in the first place! For whatever it was that we lied about, just got worse because of the way we dealt with it! (dishonestly) Dishonest gain does no one any good.
The scene was this, I broke something of my child's, unintentionally, but it happened. And when my child asked me why, I lied. Why did I lie? I was afraid of my child's response, I was shocked at myself for breaking this toy, and I was also thinking, "I'm the mom, I don't have to be down and dirty honest with my kids all the time do I?" Or do I?
Yes I do.
So after a little time went by and the Lord told me what I needed to do, I went to my child, I got on my knees, I took my child by the shoulders and I told my child I was sorry. I was sorry because I broke the toy, but I was also sorry because I lied about how it got broken. Mommy was sorry. Mommy screwed up and it was not pleasing to God, or anyone else, that Mommy had lied.
I felt better, and I felt worse. The look on my child's face was mixed emotion, but my sweet child sat down in my lap, wrapped their arms around me, laid their head on my shoulder, and said, "It's OK mom. I forgive you."
Anyone else crying? WOW. If only I could respond that way when someone sins against me!
Maybe that is why Jesus always tells us to come to Him like a child.
I felt like I had gotten kicked in the stomach.
I told my child that mommy would pray and ask Jesus to help her not lie to them again. And I meant it.

Friends, I don't tell you this story to beat myself up, I tell you this story for a few reason, one is to expose the reality that no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and it's never to late to ask for forgiveness.
I didn't want to deal with that issue but I knew I needed to. I had a little pride in my heart thinking, "I'm the parent, their the child, I shouldn't have to get to their level like that." But that is exactly what humbling thyself in the sight of the Lord looks like.
It's getting over yourself, and your fear of what might happen if you tell the person the real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But "honesty is a kiss on the lips" says Proverbs and I know it to be true.
The way I felt when I knew my child knew the truth, was better. WAY better.
There are many people who told lies in the Bible, none of them ended well with that lie. Adam and Eve ate fruit and lied to God about it, (Gen 2,3) Cain killed his brother Able and lied to God about it, Gen 4 Moses killed an Egyptian and lied about it, Sarah laughed when God said she would have a baby in her old age, and lied to God that she had laughed.( Gen 19)
God was not pleased with the people who lied in the listed examples! Did He forgive all these people? Of course! But did God condone their lies, No. He did not.
As believers, we are held to standard, but only for our own good.
Haven't you as parent's ever said, "I'm only doing this for your own good!?" And the frustrated child we are speaking to usually seems reluctant to believe our words..."If only you would listen to me!" we say as parents...
God is the same way.
He tells us not to lie because He knows what happens when we tell lies. Bad consequences, hurt feelings, hearts that are slower to trust the next time, and as a parent it's the worst, because I just modeled lying to my child.
I won't stay in regret, God forgave me, and so did my child but it is hard to realize how utterly depraved we are as humans if we trust in ourselves instead of God.
I hope my little post reminds you my friends that first all, we are all human in our mistakes, but your never too old, or too young, to ask for forgiveness.

" Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you carry it out on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

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