Friday, March 30, 2012

My God is BIGGER than that.

You know you've heard it....the message, the call...the statement that "sealed your fate." Caused you to lose hope, and just give up. O how many times I've been given that message, over and over again, and yet, today the Lord reminded me, "Honey, I'm bigger than that." Anyone else need to hear that today? Anyone Else's circumstances got you all bound up in fear, disheartened and just plain ready to throw in the towel. I've got news for you sister (and brother) Jesus Christ the Son of God, is bigger than that. SO today as I heard the, "doom and gloom" message one more time... I turned to the only place I knew that still spoke living, active and reliable (the most reliable) TRUTH. The world of God. It's so packed full of promises. Have you asked the Lord lately to show you His promises to you again? What are His promises? Well, they are what He tells you in form of Hope and Joy for your future. It's the glimpse He gives you that only He knows, and know well, whats in store for your life...He knows because He made you, and after He made me, He wrote the story of my life, your life...and then, He signed the document, and said, "It is good." The day He brought you into the world, and I'm not talking birth, the day He THOUGHT YOU UP... and then chose your parents, and chose your hair color, your eye colour and the number of freckles He'd paint on your nose, YEAH, that's the day He thought up all the things He put into your days, so that you would be the most satisfied and fulfilled on this side of heaven.
The other side of heaven will be even more satisfying but He invites us to start walking in that satisfaction right now, through Him. He has given us a joy, and hope, and hope that will not be CUT OFF.
His perfect, beautiful love ties this whole perfect, beautiful plan all together, and it's that perfect love that casts out the fear that daunts, and teases us to be disheartened.
So when your sitting in the Dr's office and they once again, say..."today is not the day for your yes.." OR, the school sends back your request...or your big plan stamped..REJECTED once more...friends, turn to Him knows. Seek His face again. Ask Him to satisfy you more than the best possible answer ever could. He does have plans. He tells us so in His word. HE does want to give His children good things. He tells us so in His word. But the timing? Only a perfect God knows that. The how and why? Only, and perfect, all knowing, flawless GOD knows that. And I trust Him. I need to look no further than the cross to remember, He already gave me His best. His Son, His perfect, flawless SON was given up for me. SO No, I will not loose heart. I will not grow weary. I may stumble, but I will not fall completely...and besides, even if I do stumble, He's gonna sit right down next to me in the dirt, and after He's done wiping all the tears off of my dirty messy face, He will take my hand in His and pick me up to upright again. Yeah, that's the God I serve. He's personal. He's perfect. He is the only thing that satisfies me fully. SO while we are all in some type of waiting room of sorts...and the promise is out there, but not in your possession yet, remember the GOD you serve beloved...He is your perfect Father. He will go to the depths for you. He already did go to the depths for me and you. How do you feel now? Do you think you can ask Him to help you up? Do you think you can ask Him to refresh your thinking, refocus your gaze, and perhaps remind you of His good and perfect will? I did that today, and I feel like He just literally sat down next to me at the table. Took my face in His hands and said..."DARLING!!! I love you. Lets wipe those tears. HONEY, your beautiful and I love you. Sweet darling, listen to me, I've got this all figured out! You don't have to worry! You don't have to be afraid! I'm going to work this out for you best, for my glory, and you will be so satisfied with what I give you! Let go...Let me take over again...this burden is too heavy for you to carry. I will carry it for you, let me just take over. I've got this. I've got you .."
I sigh. I hand it back to Him. I sit and stare at the cross. And at His beautiful...perfect face. "Yes Lord, I trust you. I trust you more than the things I want, or fear."
"Good.." He says...
AND onward, I go.
Victory in the Lord my friends rests in the laying down of our desires to have all the answers now, and having control of what we think we need, want and can't live without. He's got this. Ask Him to show you today just how much "He's got this."
He'll even sit with you in the mud. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I love the end when you said, "Victory in the Lord my friends rests in the laying down of our desires to have all the answers now, and having control of what we think we need, want and can't live without." He truly knows what's best. Victory is praising God even when we do not understand.
