Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Very Last Breath

Do you know someday, (possibly very soon) we will all breathe our last breath? Our eyes will close, our bodies will cease to be inhabited by air and blood and WE will end. Now, before you check out and think that either I'm sick and dying, or this is my suicide note, relax. THIS thought is not meant to be depressing. It is a thought I awoke with from a nap a little bit ago, and the Lord wrote it on my heart, to write this down. SO here I am. Writing it down, in the form a question to all of you. We are perishable. Right? We all know that, and have since the first time we ever attended a funeral, you know how old you were when YOU first went to you very first funeral, possibly a grandparent, or it could have been different circumstances, but it was the day that you realized, "life doesn't go on forever on earth.."
The idea of death does not scare me though. I realize this statement might leave a few of you confused...and perhaps questioning my sanity. But trust me, I have never been more sane. The idea of death does not scare me because I realize that at the point that my perishable body breathes it's last, my imperishable body will rise to be with Jesus.
SO here's the deal, here is what I awoke thinking.... lets just pretend, today is your last day. You will breathe your last breath, today. What type of feelings run through your body. For me, here is what I feel.
"My soul yearns, and even faints for you....for here my heart, is SATISFIED...within Your sing beneath the shadow of your wings...BETTER IS ONE DAY IN YOUR COURTS, better is one day in your house, better is one day in your courts, than thousands else where..." - A song that sprang to my heart as I thought about the idea of going to be eternal HOME...heaven.
How can you be so certain your going to heaven??? You might be thinking.
I'm glad you asked friend.
I am certain because of this one word: Grace. I'm saved by it. I am redeemed because of it. I am sealed in my fate because of it and I am confident in Christ because of it.
Have you heard the verse, "Where O death is your victory? Where or death is your sting?" Many a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ (christian) has taken GREAT comfort in this verse.
you are a fool for believing that nonsense!!! Did you think that ever? Or did what I just say conjure up those thoughts for you??
It's OK if they did. Let me explain why I am so confident friend..
"We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed- in a FLASH! In a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality.....and the saying that is written will COME TRUE..."death has been swallowed up in victory." 1 Corinthians 15;51-54
Essentially what this Bible verse is saying is this, death will come. You may not "die" or "sleep" but upon the trumpet of Jesus Christ's return, you will be changed. It's going to happen in a flash. And those who are sealed by Grace, (His death on the cross) will their imperishable position in heaven. And those not sealed, will not. But life will change for those not sealed as well.
I would much rather focus less tho on those who are not sealed and spend more time focusing on the fact that you still have the chance to take the Lord Jesus Christ up on His offer of the free gift of salvation so that when the LITERAL trumpet will sound and LITERAL DEAD WILL RISE, you will rise as well, (if you are not already certain of your fate). Christ made a way out for you and I. I realized a few years ago that life is not about living forever for ME. I realized, that my life, is a breath. A wisp. A vapor. That WILL END. And quite honestly friends, I'm OK with that idea! Because when my life ends, I'm with Jesus. My true satisfaction forever.
Your sick. you might say. Nope. OK, maybe I am. But call it love-sick. Love sick to be with my Savior. Do you realize my friends that a man, walked the earth, and then said, "Daughter, I'm going to give up my life for you. I'm going to die in YOUR place." ..(I was sitting on death fact they had already hooked me up to my electric chair) and Jesus, walked over, told my prison guard that HE wanted to die for me!!!! Talk about a fairy tale prince. My prince died for me. And as He died, I knew He wanted to do this for me because of His love for me. And in order for my life to go on, He had to die. SO on Calvary, He died. Read about it in the Bible. It will rip your heart out. But it had to happen if you and I wanted to be able to have chance to rise...imperishable.
I realize some of what I said, may seem confusing to some of you. And to others, this all will make perfect sense.
But if it does sound confusing, I would encourage you to go find a Bible, they are only $2.99 at Target. Read the book. Read the story. The true account of His grace, death, Resurrection, and the opportunity for your redemption. Then read the final book. The book of Revelations. Read about the story of the end. It will blow your socks off. The biggest thing that I do not want you to miss is this. Before you read, and as you read, during, before and after you read His word the Bible, PRAY. Pray the Lord would open up your eyes so you could read His word as He wants you to, that it will make sense, and translate to you. Truly. This book will change your life. For eternity.
So, if today is your last day? Now how do you feel? Peace? good. Scared? Do as I said, read the book I suggested. And then.......????? Let Him write the end of the story for you my friend. So that just as He said to the man He hung next to on the cross the day He died for all of your and my sins, He can say the same to you, "Today friend, you will be with me in paradise.." Talk about a beautiful ending.

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