Thursday, June 14, 2012

The RUN must have a purpose behind it

No one wants to run for no reason. No one wants to just head out, full force, with no prize in mind. We all have some sort of a finish line goal don't we? Or at least a reason WHY we are running. I'll tell you my purpose in a moment, but first let me think out loud with you here.
So here I am, on earth. Hi. Just me here. My life began, my life will end. Lets pretend I don't know how I got here on earth, and lets pretend I don't know why I am here. Say someone else was on earth who could tell me why I was here, and what my purpose was, don't you think I'd want to know the answers to those questions?  Wouldn't you?
As I walk the earth, roam the land, I see things. I experience things, but if I don't know why I am here, and I don't know where I am going, or why I am going, don't you think the "trip" would feel a little pointless? I do.
Who wants to take a vacation to no-where? Who wants to stop and learn things but not know what the point in gaining knowledge existed? Who wants to walk without an aim. I would venture to say, no one. No one wants to be a pointless person. I would actually argue the opposite. We are all striving and living for purpose and significance. But, the problem is, who are we living significantly for? Is it to further our own name? Or perhaps, are we living for a cause? And is the cause eternal? Or will it fade...
What do I live for? Well lets see... I want to be a good mom. Why? I guess because I want to raise good kids. Why? Because I want my kids to have a good life. Why? Because a good life will be enjoyable for them, and so they can be successful. Why do I want them to be successful? So that they can for 70+ years enjoy whatever it is they are good at? For what purpose? So someone will congratulate them on their success? What I am getting here is this: Did my life on earth make a difference. And what difference does it make if their is no life beyond THIS life.
Now, lets go back to who I am and who I KNOW I am. I am, a Child of the King. The Lord, upon the day I accepted that Jesus is real, and that I need Him in my life, my REAL life began. Before I realized I needed Him, I didn't know what I didn't know.  Because of JESUS my life has purpose. There is reason that we want to be successful. There is a reason we want to MATTER. There is a reason that we want to live as long as we possibly can. We were designed to be excellent. The only problem is, is that for most of my life, I was trying to be excellent for myself. To further my name. For my fame.
Friend, have you ever considered that there is more to your life, than what you see? Have you ever thought that maybe, the road you are on, is not the one you were made to walk? Does it feel like your out for an evening on the town in someone else's dress? You just don't feel comfortable in your own skin? Then perhaps that is the Lord tapping you on the shoulder saying, "Ask me if I've got a different plan for you life than the one you have planned out for yourself."
There is a difference from the way I used to feel every morning when I woke up. I used to wake up with guilt. Every day I'd wake up feeling like I wasn't good enough, and what on earth could I do so that I would finally feel CONTENT. You know what I mean? Content. Able to sit and look at yourself and say, I may not LOVE everything I see, but i'm LOVED by God, and I like what He is doing with me. That is what I can say now...I screw up a lot. I do selfish things. I say selfish things. My motives are impure and my heart can be ugly. But I realize now where my purpose lies. SO when I screw up, and I know when I do because the God who lives inside of me confirms in me that I am not at peace with Him, and I realize that I need to once more, realign myself with His will for my life. And once I pray and ask for His forgiveness, and make my heart a clean home for Him once again, the peace returns. And I realize, my purpose for my life is to please HIM. To please GOD. I am on earth for a reason, and it's to be used by Christ. For His holy purpose. I am by myself, without God, a very sinful person. But when I clothe myself in the Lord Jesus Christ, I am ready for service for the Kingdom of Christ. The Kingdom of purpose. And when my purposeful life on earth ends, I will begin my REAL life. My life that will not fade, the life where I won't have to wrestle with making choices in the flesh anymore. I will always be clothed with my Lord Jesus Christ, and my attitude will finally be eternally "that as the same as the Lord Jesus Christ."
I know I am not perfect. And it is clear all of humanity screws up from time to time, but my all over life purpose is to live in line with the desires of His plans for me. He has work for me to do...and frankly, each day, I wake up excited to receive my "marching orders" for that day! It's exciting. And it's exciting to see His purpose confirmed as I find things the way He tells me. He always comes through. He never tells me something and then leaves me hanging. If He has a job for me, He provides the tools. If He has a plan for me, it's always comes into fruition. That is the consistency of the God I serve. Friend, have you ever asked the God of the universe what His plan for YOU is? I guarantee, He's got one. Ask Him in an honest way. He will answer. And wait, for your real living to unfold before your very eyes.
"For I know the plans I have for you, not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 29:11

If you need me, let me know, but right now, I have to go report for duty.

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