About Me

Thanks for stopping by my blog- My name is Amber, and I have two things I am really passionate about, and they would be Jesus, and family. Jesus became real to me in March of 2008, and my life has not been the same since, hence the reason to blog. This blog is just another way that I can fame the Name that set me free and hopefully encourage others along the way. I pray the words of this blog, the words the Lord has written on my heart to share with all of you, encourage you, build you up and cause you to lift your eyes off of your less than desirable circumstances, and place them onto the totally capable Father in Heaven. Jesus is my everything, and I pray you feel His love here. Bless you friend. Spend as much time as the Lord allows you on my blog, and be blessed.

Hebrews 11:8

"By faith, when Abraham was called to go to a place he would later receive his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Right here. Right Now. And Beyond. (but NOT behind you)

Isn't that a sweet memory you think...and the memory creates a longing. And the longing turns into a desire, and the desire creates within you either sadness, or the continual long for more of what you USED to have.
Be it, good memories from the past, or bad ones, when we live in the past it robs us of the joy in our present, and the hope for our future. You see if the enemy can rob us of our hope, he can rob us of much peace, joy and contentment for today. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. That's what Proverbs says to us anyways, and Solomon is considered to be the wisest man ever. He might be on to something there. Have you ever spent too much time thinking about the way things used to be? Especially at a time when you were discontent with how things were right then? I have. You know what it did to me? It made me sit in a pile of tears and sobs. I do not struggle with depression, but when I let myself sit in the past, I can easily slip into a very dark place. One, because I tend to glorify the good, and really really focus on my bad. I start out by, "That was so good, and end with, wow I'm a loser." Now doesn't that sound like something Satan would come up with? Yes. That has the FATHER OF LIES name all over it.
I am learning that the enemy knows my weaknesses. And friends, he knows yours as well. So be on your guard against the evils of this dark world. And fight back with spiritual truths that you know from His word.
The past is the past. Going there from time to time, can help us realize how far we have come, but it can also glorify old things that felt good back then, but now are not part of who we are today. Know what I mean? I always glorify old memories and thoughts, even if they were terrible! I somehow can remember the one good thread that ran through my past and then extrapolate it until it makes my ocean of goodness that I have right now dry up in my mind in comparison to the dry puddle of goodness I had back then. Now that also sounds like the enemy.
In the Apostle Paul's past there was lots of yuck. Lots of yuck. (not more than me though) But regardless, Paul once and while would reference his past and say things like "what a wretched man am I..." or, like when Paul referenced how he had run ahead of the Spirit in a sense, and overstepped the Lords direction and then had to escape the place he was ministering in by being lowered down the city wall in a basket. Kind of an embarrassment for him I think. We all have those moments, but Paul did from time boast about his yucky past so that those he was ministering to would know that he Paul, was definitely NOT perfect. No, He wanted those he preached to, to understand that he was not above them in any way. That my friends, is an OK time to go back to your past. But do not live there, stay there, or wallow in your painful past, visit there to encourage others, show your "cracked pots" and let the light of your past sufferings and mistakes show through to minister to others. It also helps in keeping us humble. But I think what I really want to encourage all of you on is this: There is joy for your future. And there is joy to be found right now. I heard someone say one time that when we get stuck in our "ruts" of life, and we just can't seem to get out of them and we wonder why we are so down and out, to "consider the fact that you possibly being very inward. That perhaps, just maybe if you got up of your cute little backside, and did something for someone else, for His Kingdom, for His glory, and His love, you might just maybe, find yourself getting out of your rut."
Doesn't that ring true?! I know it does for me. The more I give, the more I receive, scripture is full of that message Isn't it? And it also say that to he who gives much, much will be rewarded.
As I focus on my past, and pining away over what I used to have, it of course then take my focus off of His goodness, and puts in onto things that fall under that category of "woe is me." Now, woes were common in the Bible, but are they very much fun to read? There is goodness in reading all scripture, and it's good to see what the Lord has taken the "woers" up out of, but one does not want to live in the woe. We want to move forward to those "still waters, quiet pastures..." and focus on the beauty of what He is doing right here, right now. And to instill in us a HOPE for our future...both on this side of heaven, and our eternity with Christ!
If what I say sounds like Chinese to you, will you find yourself a Bible, open up to the gospels, (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and dig a little bit. You will hear much of what I am talking about here. The book of Romans is also full of this Apostle Paul's story...(much of what I am drawing from here in this blog post)
God loves you as you are. He drew you up out of who you used to be. It has been said that true conversion always has a "before" and an "after". And it is true for me, and it was true for Paul. How many times have you friend, as a believer said, "I used to see things so differently." Well that right there is your, "after." And mine too! SO don't go back to Egypt. Essentially, don't live in the old lie, habit, or false joy that you find yourself being tempted to run back to when things here in the present seem dim. His promises for you are big! Full! And lovely. Ask Him even now in this moment to remind you of His promises for you. And if you don't know what I mean by "His promises" then start praying right now, and ask Him to show you what that means for you. Search His word. The Scripture is His words...written for you, and they were as true for the Apostle Paul as they are for you. Do you not have an "after?" Then this my friend, is your chance to have an happy ever after. The past is the past. Don't go back there. Don't live there. Don't believe the LIE for even one moment that it'd be better back there. Cuz' it's not. The past is the past for a reason. And you my friend, have the rest of this life, and all of eternity to find out just how much joy He has in store for you. Just ask Him. Seek Him. Open His word. And see what He says....(i'm kinda excited for you!!!!!) (and for me)
Tomorrow will begin soon, aren't you anxious to see what He has in store???? Go forth...in victory.
"He brought me out into a spacious place, He rescued me because He delighted in me." Psalm 18;19

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