About Me

Thanks for stopping by my blog- My name is Amber, and I have two things I am really passionate about, and they would be Jesus, and family. Jesus became real to me in March of 2008, and my life has not been the same since, hence the reason to blog. This blog is just another way that I can fame the Name that set me free and hopefully encourage others along the way. I pray the words of this blog, the words the Lord has written on my heart to share with all of you, encourage you, build you up and cause you to lift your eyes off of your less than desirable circumstances, and place them onto the totally capable Father in Heaven. Jesus is my everything, and I pray you feel His love here. Bless you friend. Spend as much time as the Lord allows you on my blog, and be blessed.

Hebrews 11:8

"By faith, when Abraham was called to go to a place he would later receive his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Walk to the Cross..

I've been spending a great deal of time in my Bible study on the moments of Jesus's life that lead up to His death for me on the cross. I've spent some time leaning about the people He spent His last moments with. Let me just say that it was not a friendly crowd. On one end was the Jews screaming bloody murder for His death, and on the other end were two rulers, taunting Him, doubting Him and eventually causing Him much pain. Pain from their mistakes, pain from their rejection of His truth that He offered them even in His final hours of life. Amazing to me. But really, He does this to me and to you daily. As I read the words of Pilate, a man who cared more of His position in the world and His desire to please others than of His desire to please His heavenly Father, I could not help but identify somewhat. At first, I turned my nose up at Pilate and said, "what an evil disgusting man..." but as He questioned Jesus about who He claimed to be and ultimately ended with the question "What is truth?" I stopped my scoffing, and began to feel the prick of pain. Here is truth standing right in front of Pilate and he closed his eyes and heart to Jesus's call for Pilate to lay aside his pride, and listen to the man who was truth.

What a similar message we hear in society today...all are searching for truth, but they are all looking in the wrong places. Myself included at certain points in my life...looking to other religions that felt more attractive, or the philosophies of the world that felt, "safer" or perhaps more "relative." Well, truth is not relative, truth is absolute, unchanging, and that truth that you are look for, and that I was looking for my friends, is found in the Bible, in the 3 persons of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. If you looking, look no further than word. Next, I spent some time with Herod, who I found myself disliking even more that Pilate. Pilate seemed a little dense, but I identified with that, Herod just stood and mocked Jesus. Which made me cringe until I heard Herod's main message, he wanted to be amused by Jesus, which literally translated, means to "not think," and simply be entertained by Jesus...
"Show me some miracles Jesus! Show me signs! Do something great for me Jesus...after all, you have that power don't you?" Oh friends, there isn't a time in any person's life where that have not been able to identify with Herod. He didn't want to dig, or understand, he wanted in made easy for him and really wanted to entertained by something. Jesus did not even reply to Herod. Herod represents someone who had the knowledge of the faith, in fact, Herod spend a great deal of time with John the baptised. And so he had the knowledge of the truth, but rejected truth a long time ago when he had John beheaded because John told Herod it was unlawful for him to have adultery. I don't think John's message would fly off any different with us today. So as Herod questioned Jesus for miracles, Jesus gave him no response, Herod became angry. And mocked Jesus...I know I have done this in my heart too..."What are you doing to me God? Is all this pain your causing me in my life fun for you? Is this your idea of good joke on me God? Well your not funny!!!" Anyone else felt or thought that. I'm sad to say that I have. As I confessed my sorrow to the Lord, I know He took me back into His arms, but the pain of my offense is still present.

So, ultimately, Herod didn't get what he wanted, He got mad, mocked Jesus and then sent him back to Pilate. Pilate, decided to compromise, and in hopes that the Jews would be happy with the blood of a flogging, he had Jesus flogged. (even though Pilate considered Jesus to be Innocent.)

And in the end caused Jesus more pain that if Pilate had just done what his role was calling him to do and send Jesus to the cross right away. He compromised and caused Jesus much more pain. It's a lesson to us as well when we compromise, we in turn have more and more pain in our lives...

The final person that I really identified with, and it was with and unlikely person whom which I have never really given a second thought too..and that was Barabbas.

He was sentenced to die. He was a bad bad man who deserved death. A man who had done all sorts of sinful crimes against man and God, and was waiting in his dark, cold, wet, cell for the footsteps of death to come towards him and take him to his cross, which he knew was already prepared for him. As he sat there in the silence of his cell he suddenly heard the cell door creek open. The time had come. He was going to get what he deserved. Death was imminent. But wait, as he looked up, he did not see the executioner..he saw another solider who was motioning for him to come out to him. "What the heck was this about?" I'm sure was a thought that crossed this criminals mind. The solider just stated, "your free.." to Barabbas and I'm sure in that moment words were difficult to find for Barabbas. His death was certain! But now this? What was going on? "WHY?" I'm sure was on Barabbas's lips...the soilders replied.."Someone is dying for you in your place.." "You are free to go."

It's not empty sentiment my friends that caused tears to fall this Easter...I related so strongly with this man, I recognized that I am Barabbas. I am the prisoner who was destined for death...I did not deserve a thing. And yet, He died in my place, and your place as well my friends. I have been Pilate, and I displayed reflecting of Herod in my heart, but by the grace of God, I am now freed. And so can you all be...if you have never moved beyond the question of "What is truth, or took more interest that wanting "to be amused," then work can and should be done in these hearts of ours. We are all given the opportunity to take Him up on His offer of being released from the dark, cold, wet, lonely, shallow, hallow, empty, death smelling cell that we call "life" right now. Don't you want out? Well, open the Word of God and watch my friends, just watch as He walks towards your cell gate and releases you to the heart of His truth. Stand up. Walk out, and grasp the freedom that is extended to you. May this be the day of YOUR release from captivity. AMEN!!!!

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