About Me

Thanks for stopping by my blog- My name is Amber, and I have two things I am really passionate about, and they would be Jesus, and family. Jesus became real to me in March of 2008, and my life has not been the same since, hence the reason to blog. This blog is just another way that I can fame the Name that set me free and hopefully encourage others along the way. I pray the words of this blog, the words the Lord has written on my heart to share with all of you, encourage you, build you up and cause you to lift your eyes off of your less than desirable circumstances, and place them onto the totally capable Father in Heaven. Jesus is my everything, and I pray you feel His love here. Bless you friend. Spend as much time as the Lord allows you on my blog, and be blessed.

Hebrews 11:8

"By faith, when Abraham was called to go to a place he would later receive his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Like A Marriage

I have often compared the relationship we have with God to the one we have with our husbands, (speaking as a woman) this is an easier comparison for me...

This morning as I was reading His word, and remembering back to my childhood/youth group days when I was able to a few times a year go on a weekend retreat, that was supposed to allow you to focus on God more and spend some more intimate "down-time" with the Savior. Unfortunately, as a teen, these trips simple for the most meant time away from home and a good time with friends, rather than one on one time with God. And how I long for a time with God and an opportunity like that now! It's sort of like how your hate naps all your young childhood, but as soon as you turn 23 and you have your first baby who won't ever sleep, you long for those nap times of old!

So as I sat here contemplating how wonderful it would be to have a three day vacation with the Lord it occurred to me again, the amazing similarities between my relationship with my sweet husband, and my God. I long for weekends away with my husband as well after my time of this long endured sickness and wishing for times of serenity like we had before I conceived.

I have to think that God designed this is such a way to be a constant reminder that when we get disconnected from Him, the relationship looses it's spark and we start to run towards other things for our peace, comfort and joy rather than God, similarly as in a marriage when spouses become disconnected it's easier to allow our minds to wander. Unless we are rooted deep in two things, first we need to be rooted deep in our personal relationship with the Father, because when we are, the Holy Spirit stops us before we get to a place of danger, and two, we need to be rooted deep in our marriages. Not just our interests, but our passions that connect us to the Father, for He is the third band that holds the two of us together.

It's so intertwined, they cannot be separated unless severed, and in many cases, people do just that. There are many "christian couples" who end up leaving the Lord when they leave their spouses, and I know when times were difficult in my marriage, my heart was also far from the Father, so I can personally attest to this truth.

So, now that we know this...where do we go? It's fine to have the knowledge, but we need solutions! (or as least I do.) And the only thing that I can really come up with that makes any real sense is this: Time, and honesty.

Being truthful with one another about where you are at, being honest with God about where your hear is with Him, and in regards to your marriage, and then time spent with God first and foremost, followed by intimate time spent with your husband.

I understand as a mother of two, soon to be three, time is short and precious when you have it, and it does take some amount of sacrifice to get that time. My sickness has taught me a lot about sacrifice, because I see what my husband sacrifices for me every day as I lay their sick, he fills in for me and I am so humbled by his attitude, love and support when I am down.

Now, if only I could be that when if tables were turned! I know he does what he does by the grace of God...and that my friends is how this seemingly impossible task of sacrifice is accomplished. When we are rooted in our relationship with God, our one true husband, then all else is powered by that. What is within will flow out and help us in all we do. When we try and do things in our own strength, of course we fail miserably.

Rather than "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again" perhaps we should say, "if at first you don't succeed, check who you are depending on."

These friends, are personal lessons from my own life, and I pray they encourage you to dig deeper into where you are with the Lord, and if you are a woman, where you are with your husband. I have been so humbled watching my husband care for me as he has, and the thought that the Father does this for me each day as well, leaves me speechless.

So if you feel as though your hearts have slipped from where they once were, there is always the call from the Father, "return to me, return to you first love..." and as you do friends, watch as the once seemingly dead love, begins to take life again. I have to admit, I have felt a bit "dead" lately, but I am watching as the love begins to take life again, as I spend time with my Father and then in turn, time with my husband. It leaves me wanting more and more, and I think that this is how it's supposed to be. We are to be ever hungering and thirsting for more of Him...and for husbands. Are you thirsty...are you famished? Run to the word..and be filled.

( and maybe take a weekend away!)

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