About Me

Thanks for stopping by my blog- My name is Amber, and I have two things I am really passionate about, and they would be Jesus, and family. Jesus became real to me in March of 2008, and my life has not been the same since, hence the reason to blog. This blog is just another way that I can fame the Name that set me free and hopefully encourage others along the way. I pray the words of this blog, the words the Lord has written on my heart to share with all of you, encourage you, build you up and cause you to lift your eyes off of your less than desirable circumstances, and place them onto the totally capable Father in Heaven. Jesus is my everything, and I pray you feel His love here. Bless you friend. Spend as much time as the Lord allows you on my blog, and be blessed.

Hebrews 11:8

"By faith, when Abraham was called to go to a place he would later receive his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

Friday, November 13, 2009


This is something that i am not very often. Still.
As i sat pouring over my Bible this morning, begging, searching, longing for His words that would reach deep into my soul and restore me..
He did, He did just that. and do you know what He told me? He told me to be STILL.
I sort of shook my head in conviction as the tears began to stream down my cheeks. Of course Father I thought. If you are to speak to me, make me be usable, first you have to teach me. All these battles of life that I am up against suddenly seemed so small as He whispered this promise to me..
I had been putting so much of my energy in just keeping my head above water these past few days that i had forgot to breath in His air.
The very air that gives life to my body, i was struggling, floundering, drowning without it, and it all came to clear to me in sudden revelation as i read that verse.
He is my great protector. He is my battle leader..my chief, My KING.
And not only is He all those things, He loves me, cares enough for me, to speak silent words of comfort to my heart.
When the things of this world come crashing in and around you, He is there. We need only to be still.
Be still and know that I am God, HE tells us..
I will Lord. I will be still.

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