About Me

Thanks for stopping by my blog- My name is Amber, and I have two things I am really passionate about, and they would be Jesus, and family. Jesus became real to me in March of 2008, and my life has not been the same since, hence the reason to blog. This blog is just another way that I can fame the Name that set me free and hopefully encourage others along the way. I pray the words of this blog, the words the Lord has written on my heart to share with all of you, encourage you, build you up and cause you to lift your eyes off of your less than desirable circumstances, and place them onto the totally capable Father in Heaven. Jesus is my everything, and I pray you feel His love here. Bless you friend. Spend as much time as the Lord allows you on my blog, and be blessed.

Hebrews 11:8

"By faith, when Abraham was called to go to a place he would later receive his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Driving Baby Jesus

Yesterday Joshua and I had quite an exciting "car ride". And let me explain, by car I mean, all of my couch pillows stacked up (about 15 of them) in a box like fashion. Then my driver (Joshua) jumps into our "car." Mommy gets in next, ( i play myself)
and were off. Driving all around to different places, "gassing up the car.." and stopping for food. Then we have to pick up all our "friends." So our first stop, is to stop at "church" and pick up Baby Jesus, this is what Joshua tells me.
SO we do. Baby Jesus climbs in the car, what's nice about that is that He is small and doesn't take up alot of room. (our car is fairly small) Then we have another stop Joshua explains to me, and our new passenger, Baby Jesus.
We have to stop by heaven and pick up God. This car ride just got very holy.
So we do, and in my car I now have, My favorite boy in the whole world, my favorite Baby in the whole world (and in heaven) and also, My Father.
The only unfortunate thing, is that we hit a wall and we crashed. But, I felt good with the company I was sharing during this crash, so it was really OK.

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